Our links
Latin Language on Wikipedia
- Wikipedia - Ancient Rome Portal
- Wikipedia - The entry «Latin»
- Wikipedia - Category «Latin language»
- Latin language edition of Wiktionary
- Wiktionary - Latin language index
- Latin edition of Wikisource, the free library
- Latin edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Wikiquote - Latin proverbs
- Wikibooks - Latin
Courses, translations and resources
- Learn Latin Grammar, vocabulary and audio
- Ludus Latinus Cursus linguae latinae Bibliotheca Augustiana (in Latin). Augsburg: University of Applied Sciences
- Textkit A collection of texts, resources, services and tutorials for both Latin and Greek
- The LatinStudy List an open mailing list dedicated to the study of Latin, including Classical, Medieval, and Neo-Latin authors
- Cambridge School Classics Project The Cambridge School Classics Project is home of the world-renowned Cambridge Latin Course
- Latin for Mountain Men A short course in practical Latin. A tutorial that is good for beginners or as an easy refresher.
- Latin Online A well-organized and comprehensive tutorial designed along modern lines at the the University of Texas at Austin.
- Ephemeris An online Latin newspaper
- Latin Language broadcast Audio downloads, from Finnish YLE Radio 1
- News in Latin Radio Bremen
continue below
Libraries, corpora and collections of latin texts
Bibliotheca Augustana
Index of Latin literature. The navigation is in Latin you can search alphabetically or by century. Also includes Greek literature -
Bibliotheca Latina IntraText
Extensive collection of literary works of Roman authors, especially the smaller ones. Navigation in English -
Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum
Online texts from Augustine to Virgil, classified by the author with numerous links to translations to Latin, Inglese, and foreign language translations. -
University of Bologna
Link to the literary sources of all Latin authors -
Opus Fundatum Latinitas
Opus in Civitate Vaticana constitutum ad studium linguae ac litterarum Latinarum adiuvandum atque usum sermonis Latini disseminandum. In Latin -
Quintus Curtius Rufus
Historiae Alexandri Magni -
Renati Cartesii Meditationes de Prima Philosophia
In qua Dei existentia, et animæ humanæ a corpore distinctio, demonstrantur -
Perseus Project Latin Texts
Extensive collection of Latin texts with English translations and links to dictionaries, commentaries, grammars and other tools. In English -
Electronic Text Center Latin Resources
Good collection of Latin texts. Unfortunately, the access is restricted to students of the University of Virginia except for the Consolation Philosophiae by Boethius and Ovid's Metamorphoses. In English -
Labyrinth Latin Library
Collection of ancient and medieval Latin texts -
LacusCurtius: Latin Texts
The home page for the Latin texts of LacusCurtius: The Natural History of Pliny, Ptolemy's Geography and works of Frontinus and Vitruvius. In English -
Latin Texts - Orbis Latinus
Latin texts from 240 to. C to the present day, ordered by period. In English -
Project Libellus
Greek and Latin texts for free -
The Later Latin Society
Texts, symposia, grammars of classical Latin, medieval and modern, the Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius, the Res Gestae of Augustus Divuse, Erasmus and Philobiblon of Richard de Bury in Latin. In English -
The Latin Library
Collection of classical Latin texts, Christian, medieval and modern. In English -
The Library
ibrary of Latin works with introductions and translations edited by Dana Sutton, University of California. In English -
Thesaurus Precum Latinarum - Treasury of Latin Prayers
Prayers in Latin with English translation. Includes a guide to the pronunciation of ecclesiastical Latin. In English
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Dictionaries, glossaries and encyclopedic works
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid
Latin dictionary with grammar guide. About 15,000 headwords in English - Java client of a dictionary latin-english/english-latin A Java applet written by M. Djun Kim, based on the list of Latin words of Lynn Nelson, University of Kansas. About 8,000 entries in English
Latin=English Dictionary
Definitions of Latin names and translation from english -
Classics Technology Center
Latin mottoes and sentences and abbreviations of modern Latin. In English -
Perseus Project Online Latin Lexicon
Searchable in Latin and English with links to many sources -
Saxo Grammaticus
Vademecum in opus Saxonis et alia opera Danica compendium ex indice verborum. A medieval Latin dictionary -
Words by William Whitaker
An interactive version of Word program the University of Notre Dame. About 30,000 headwords in English -
Dictionary of Botanical Epithets
Latin names of plants in alphabetical order -
Ecclesiastical Abbreviations
Abbreviations commonly used in the documents of the Catholic Church, with their Latin meaning and translation in English with relative references. in English -
Terms Glossary
Glossary of common terms found in the printed Latin and early printed books, including examples of use. In English by the Brigham Young University -
Latin Ancestry Wordlist
Terms related to family relationships and names of profession. in English -
Vocabula computatralia
Computer terminology. in English
Latin language online communities
Grex Latine Loquentium
Flock of those Speaking Latin -
Circulus Latinus Interretialis
Internet Latin Circle -
FSH Cenaculum Miamiense
Consociatio catholica cuius membra linguam latinam vivam colunt
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