About us

Online Latin Dictionary

The site of the Online Latin Dictionary belongs to:

Olivetti Media Communication
403, bgy Vizal Sto. Cristo
Candaba (Pampanga)
2013 Philippines

The dictionary is authored by Enrico Olivetti, who coordinates all work and is the head of the Scientific Committee.
The editorial staff is composed of eminent Latin scholars who work on a voluntary basis.

The current available dictionary is composed of:

Latin English Dictionary
-   51.758 entries
- 110.956 meanings
- 175.433 translations
-     7.154 examples, phrases and quotes

Latin Conjugator and Declension Tool
-      51.758 entries
- 2.478.198 forme inflected form
Allows the declension of nouns, adjectives and pronouns and Latin conjugation of all Latin verbs (active, passive, deponent or semi-deponent)

English - Latin Dictionary
- 19.088 entries
- 40.876 meanings
- 42.465 translations
-   4.489 examples, phrases and quotes

continue below

Latin Dictionary

Currently we have more entries than any other dictionary on the market, we plan to increase our database, adding proper names of personalities, place names even of less important places, abbreviations used in the Latin lapidary language and to make an entry of every perfect, present or future participles which can have an adjectival function.
We have collected a large number of quotes, phrases, idioms, proverbs and sayings. We select them carefully in order to increase the quotes and the examples shown in support of the various entries.

Latin Conjugator and Declension Tool
Now, all the inflected forms of Latin words are available. Soon, we will add the comparative and the superlative inflected forms and the inflected verbal forms such as the present and past participle, the future infinite, and verbal adjective.

Sentence analyzer
The final Beta version of the sentence analyzer is ready to be launched. When entering a Latin phrase, you will be able to get its grammatical analysis, word by word, thus avoiding long searches in the dictionary to be able to translate it into English.
This tool is very heavy for the resources of the server. We are currently experimenting technical solutions before getting the website onto the Internet network.

Latin literature
We are collecting and digitizing some of the most important works by Latin authors. When we have a sufficient amount of them in electronic form we will make them available of our site.
We encourage the users who own Latin works in digital format, of public domain (not protected by copyright) to send them to make them available.

Latin versions in English
We are also encouraging all owners of Latin works to send them to us. We remind you that these should not be protected by any copyright, so as not to restrict our freedom to publish them.