intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to leave off, to depart
2 to renounce, to desist
3 to cease, to stop
intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to leave off, to depart
2 to renounce, to desist
3 to cease, to stop
Locutions, idioms and examples
ab aliqua re absisto = to distance oneself from something || absistamus = let's keep ourselves over there || absiste morari = stop restraining me || absistite luco = depart from the woods || absisto incepto (or inceptis) = to desist from the undertaking || bello absisto || absisto oppugnatione = to desist from the assault || absiste moveri = don't move, don’t be restless || abstitit magistratu = he left the position || absistere sequendo coegit = he forced him to desist from following him || absiste viribus indubitare tuis = stop doubting your strenghts || absisto vestigiis hostis = to keep far from the tarces of the enemy || absistendum temerario incepto ait = he tells them that they need to forego a rash undertaking || absisto continuando magistratu = to cease being in office || ab signis legionibusque non absisto = not to move away from the standards and from the legions || ab ore scintillae absistunt = sparks burst out of the face || absisto spe labefactandae fidei = to give up the hope of shaking loyalty || caede visa miles abstitit
absisto intr. v. III conjug.

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