transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to frighten off, to frighten away
2 to dissuade, to discourage
transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to frighten off, to frighten away
2 to dissuade, to discourage
Locutions, idioms and examples
absterreo aliquem ab (or de) aliqua re = to keep someone away from something || absterreo ne = to deter from … , to prevent from … || aliquid alicui absterreo || bello absterreo || absterreo hostem = to chase the enemy away || absterreo vitiis = to deter from vices || de aliqua re absterreo || animos absterrent vitiis || absterreo aliquem ab urbe oppugnanda = to deter someone from attacking the city || pabula amoris absterreo mihi || absterrendo singulos a coitionibus conciliisque = keeping far individuals from get togethers and meetings || aliquid alicui abnuo or absterreo or abnego or nego || accurrentem ancillam vulnere absterret = he pushes the maidservant away injuring her || absterreo sibi pabula amoris = not to indulge in love nourishment || absterreo homines a pecuniis capiendis = to deter men from taking money || ab urbe oppugnanda Poenum absterruere conspecta moenia = the sight of the walls deterred the Carthaginians from besieging the city
absterrĕo tr. v. II conjug.

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