transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (time) to spend, to waste, to squander, to use up take up
2 to consume, to exhaust, to wear out
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (time) to spend, to waste, to squander, to use up take up
2 to consume, to exhaust, to wear out
Locutions, idioms and examples
absumo pecuniam in aliquid = to waste money on something || absumunt viris = they ran out of strenght || absumet Caecuba = he will swallow your Ceacubus || cadavera tabes absumebat || absumendi modum teneo = to limit one's own expenses || absumo decipioque diem = I spend the day and kill time || uxorem absumo or duco || absumpserant bella Macedonas = the wars had decimated the Macedonians || absumo satietatem rei = to take something to one's fill || adde quod absumunt viris pereuntque labore || cave … exiguum tempus e manibus hostium evadendi absumas
absūmo tr. v. III conjug.

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