intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to abound (in), to have in large measure
2 to overdo, to exceed
3 to overflow
4 to be rich, to be numerous
intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to abound (in), to have in large measure
2 to overdo, to exceed
3 to overflow
4 to be rich, to be numerous
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliqua re undo or abundo || abundo ingenio = to be full of talent || abundo quantitatem = to abound, to exceed the quantity || abundo equitatu = to have a large cavalry || abundo me otio = I have plenty of time || alicuius rei copia abundo || abundare coepero = I will become a nabob || barbaria noster abundat amor || abundat dulcibus vitiis = they are rich in pleasant defects || abundat pectus laetitia = my heart overflows with joy || Aetna multo igne abundavit || abundo praeceptis institutisque philosophiae = to be full of precepts and philosophical teachings || abundo omni genere copiarum = to be well supplied of all kinds of armed forces || abundabat multitudine hominum Poenus = the Carthaginian had plenty of men
ăbundo intr. v. I conjug.

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