deponent transitive and intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to waste
2 to abuse
3 to misuse
4 to use up
5 to spend exhaust
6 to misapply (word) curse
deponent transitive and intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to waste
2 to abuse
3 to misuse
4 to use up
5 to spend exhaust
6 to misapply (word) curse
Locutions, idioms and examples
abutor ab aliquo = to be employed by someone || abutor otio = to take advantage of spare time || abutor verbo = use a word inappropriately || abutor patientia alicuius = to abuse someone's patience || abutor per turpitudinem = to waste (riches) in a disgraceful manner || abutor sole = to take advantage of the sun || abutor tecum hoc otio = to spend spare time with you || abutor vim suam = to waste his (or her) strenght || aurum abutor || abutor operam = waste one's time || abutor legibus = to abuse the laws || abutor muliere = to abuse a woman, to debauch her || abutor libertate = to abuse freedom || abutor errore hostium = to take advantage of the enemies' mistake || communi consuetudine sermonis abutor || abutor operam in scribendo = to waste or use one's time writing || abutor militum sanguine = to shed the blood of the soldiers in vain || abutor otio liberaliter = to make noble use of spare time || abutendum errore hostium = we have to take advantage of enemies' mistake || abutor rem patriam = dilapidate the patrimony || abutor otio ad laborem = use spare time to work || abutor eloquentiā perverse = to use eloquence badly || abutor communi consuetudine sermonis = to misinterpret the meaning of commonly used names || abutor sagacitate canum ad utilitatem nostram = to make use of the dog's nose for our benefit
ăbūtor dep. tr. and intr. v. III conjug.

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