intransitive verb III conjugation

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1 to go, to march off, to depart, to withdraw
2 to scatter, to dissipate
3 to abandon
4 (arms) to lay down


Locutions, idioms and examples

valefacto discessimus || ab aliquo discedo = to distance oneself, to leave someone || ab amicis discedo = to break up with friends || a sua sententia discedo = to renounce one's opinion || a vita (or ex vita or de vita) discedo = to leave life, to die || a vallo discedo = leave the trenches || a re discedo = to depart from the topic || a mente mea discedo = to lose one's mind || a Brundisio discedo = depart from the Brundisium area || a Gergovia discedo = to depart from the area of Gergovie || a ratione discedo = to estrange oneself from reason || a signis discedo = to abandon the insigna (= to desert) || ab concilio disceditur = to part from the assembly, the assembly is dissolved || Capua discedo || superior discessit || e Gallia discedo || commodum discesseras heri cum Trebatius venit || vago passim pede discedebant || victorem discedo || ab loco discedo = to abandon the place || ab aliquo per divortium discedo = to divorce from someone || ab instituto opere discedit = he stopped the job he started || iam diu est factum quom cum discesti || circa portas discesserant || ex vita discedo || armati in latitudinem discedunt || Caesar discessisse audiebatur || ab aliqua re traversum unguem non discedo = not to be far from something not even by a transversly placed nail || a castris domum discedo = leave the camp and head back to the homeland || a fide iustitiaque discessit = he strayed from loyalty and justice || a latere alicuius numquam discedo = not to leave someone's side || ab aliqua re non transversum digitum discedo = not to be far from something not even by a transversly placed finger || ab hac hominum satietate discedo = to depart from this men who bore me || ab aliquo pedem discedo, digredior = to remove oneself by a step from someone || a vallo non discedere perseveravit = continued to stay still in his entrenchment || ab oppugnatione castrorum discedo = to forego, to abstain from besieging a camp || ab officio discedo (or recedo) = to fail, to fail in one's duty || ab armis discedo (or recedo) = to lay down arms, to leave the military service, to cease fighting || ab opere legatos discedere vetuerat = he forbid the persons in charge from leaving the works || animus non me deserens sed respectans discessit || celeriter ex conspectu castrorum discessit || ab ista non pedem discedat, si licessit (= licuerit) = he would not even leave her by one foot, if he could || aequa mano discedo or abscedo || a senis latere numquam discedo = never leave the side of that old man || a foribus qui non discedant certos praeficit = places trusted men to guard, who won't stray from the gates || accidit ut vulgo milites ab signis discederent = it happened that the soldiers deserted en masse || transversum digitum or unguem discedo or excedo || a iudicio capitis maxima discessit gloria = he exited with the greatest glory from capital proceedings || ab hac (regula) mihi non licet transversum digitum discedo = it is not permitted for me to stray from this rule, not even by a finger || vita cedo or defungor, or discedo, or fungor || ea mente discessi ut adessem Kalendis Ianuariis || iam Caesar a Gergovia discessisse audiebatur || ubi ille dixit et discessit haec || a recta conscientia transversum unguem non oportet discedo = must not tray the least away from the path of virtue || altera est divisio quae in tres partes et ipsa discedit || accidit, quod fieri necesse erat, ut milites ab signis discederent = it happened, something that was inevitable, that the soldiers deserted || alius alia causa illata petebat ut discedere liceret || adsistentem contionem quia permixta videbatur, discedere in manipulos iubet || ceteri tot viri et tanti repudiati ab eo condemnatique discedent

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