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anomalous transitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 to bring or carry out, to bring forth
2 to carry out of the house for burial, to bear to the grave, to bury
3 to lift up, elevate, raise, exalt
4 to set forth, spread abroad, utter, publish, proclaim
5 (of speech) to utter, pronounce, express, declare
6 (passive) to be carried out of one's self by passions, feelings, etc
7 (passive) to be carried away, transported, hurried away
8 to raise, elevate, exalt
9 (reflexive) to raise, elevate one's self
10 to rise, advance
11 (reflexive, in a bad sense) to lift up one's self, to carry one's self high
12 to be puffed up, haughty, proud on account of any thing
13 (rare) to carry out to the end, to support, endure
anomalous transitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 to bring or carry out, to bring forth
2 to carry out of the house for burial, to bear to the grave, to bury
3 to lift up, elevate, raise, exalt
4 to set forth, spread abroad, utter, publish, proclaim
5 (of speech) to utter, pronounce, express, declare
6 (passive) to be carried out of one's self by passions, feelings, etc
7 (passive) to be carried away, transported, hurried away
8 to raise, elevate, exalt
9 (reflexive) to raise, elevate one's self
10 to rise, advance
11 (reflexive, in a bad sense) to lift up one's self, to carry one's self high
12 to be puffed up, haughty, proud on account of any thing
13 (rare) to carry out to the end, to support, endure
Locutions, idioms and examples
adytis ecfert penetralibus ignem || qua in urbe primum se orator extulit || Aurora extulerat lucem referens opera atque labores || M. Agrippam ignobilem loco geminatis consulatibus extulit
ecfĕro an. tr. v.

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