transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to stand on end, stand up straight
2 to get gooseflesh
3 to shiver, tremble
4 to bristle
5 to look frightful, look unkempt
6 to have a gloomy character
transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to stand on end, stand up straight
2 to get gooseflesh
3 to shiver, tremble
4 to bristle
5 to look frightful, look unkempt
6 to have a gloomy character
Locutions, idioms and examples
animo horreo || horreo dico || arrectis horret squamis || sacrificium aspicere non horruit || capillus horrebit in leonum cervice formosior || accolas sibi quisque adiungere tam efferatae gentis homines horrebat = everyone would be horrified at the tought of having such a ferocious people as a neighbour
horrĕo tr. and intr. v. II conjug.

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