intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to run up to, run to meet
2 to go or come up to, to go or come to meet, to meet
3 to go against, rush upon, attack an enemy
4 to come to, meet, fall in with any thing
5 to go or come to any place
6 to stand or lie opposite to
7 to lie in the way of, meet as an obstacle
8 to obviate or seek to obviate, to meet, resist, oppose, counteract
9 to cure or attempt to cure
10 to relieve, remedy
11 to meet with words, to answer, reply, object
12 to offer or present itself, suggest itself, appear, occur
13 to reach, attain
intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to run up to, run to meet
2 to go or come up to, to go or come to meet, to meet
3 to go against, rush upon, attack an enemy
4 to come to, meet, fall in with any thing
5 to go or come to any place
6 to stand or lie opposite to
7 to lie in the way of, meet as an obstacle
8 to obviate or seek to obviate, to meet, resist, oppose, counteract
9 to cure or attempt to cure
10 to relieve, remedy
11 to meet with words, to answer, reply, object
12 to offer or present itself, suggest itself, appear, occur
13 to reach, attain
Locutions, idioms and examples
concilio (or ad concilium) occurro = to appear at a meeting || bello occurro || alicui venient occurro || adversis hostibus occurrebant || altercationibus velociter occurrere? || Caesari venienti occurrit || ad vadimonium occurro or venio || Fabianis legionibus occurro || ad vadimonium venio (or occurro, or descendo) || alii maiorem adferentes tumultum nuntii occurrunt || cani perpasto macie confectus lupus forte occucurrit || Caesar alteram alam mittit qui satagentibus celeriter occurrerent || ad gestationum suarum, quasi deserere illas non liceat, horas occurrunt = they take their strolls at set times, as if it weren't lawful to miss them || A. Postumius dictator T. Aebutius magister equitum … ad lacum Regillum … agmini hostium occurrerunt = The dictator Aulus Postumius and the commander of the cavalry Titus Ebutius confronted the enemy forces near the lake Regillus || Galli occurrere Magnae Matris vaticinantes fanatico carmine deam Romanis victoriam dare
obcurro intr. v. III conjug.

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