anomalous transitive and intransitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 to go to meet
2 to attend to
3 to fall
4 to die
anomalous transitive and intransitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 to go to meet
2 to attend to
3 to fall
4 to die
Locutions, idioms and examples
comitia obeo alicuius || clipeum pellis obit || obeo mortem || gaudio obeo || cenas obeo || vadimonium obeo || diem obeo || Acheruntem obibo = I will descend to the underworld || obeo comitia alicuius || morbo decido or obeo || annum petitionis suae obeo || mortem obeo or oppeto || voluntaria morte obeo || obeo (diem) supremum or suum || periculum ingredior or obeo, or suscipio || chlamydem limbus obibat aureus || chlamydem limbus obibat aureus || alicuius (or alicuius rei) munia obeo or impleo or servo || Aeneas quem fulva leonis pellis obit totum || agitur liberine vivamus an mortem obeamus
ŏbĕo an. tr. and intr. v.

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