transitive verb III conjugation ending -io
View the declension of this word
1 to throw or put before or towards, to throw to, to hold before or out, to offer, present, expose
2 to throw or place before by way of defence or hindrance
3 to cast in the way, set against, oppose
4 to throw before or over, to put or bring before, to present
5 to give up, expose to any thing
6 (in general) to bring upon one, to impart, superinduce, cause, occasion, etc
7 to throw out against one, to taunt, reproach, or upbraid with any thing, as a crime
transitive verb III conjugation ending -io
View the declension of this word
1 to throw or put before or towards, to throw to, to hold before or out, to offer, present, expose
2 to throw or place before by way of defence or hindrance
3 to cast in the way, set against, oppose
4 to throw before or over, to put or bring before, to present
5 to give up, expose to any thing
6 (in general) to bring upon one, to impart, superinduce, cause, occasion, etc
7 to throw out against one, to taunt, reproach, or upbraid with any thing, as a crime
Locutions, idioms and examples
clipeos obiicio || claustrum obiicio || alicui eam mentem obiicio ut (+ subjunctive) || alicui ignobilitatem obiicio || alicui furorem obiicio || castra mihi Pompeii … obiecisti || rabiem canibus obicio || cibum canibus obicio || Fabius Maximus ei se obiecit || cave obiexis manum || alicui de morte Caesaris obiicio || aliquid alicui obiectare or obiicio or increpo || alicui infamiam pecuniae obicio || capitale est obiicere anteacta || beneficiis non obicio moras || agros suos pro alienis populandos obicere || cladem lucis ademptae obicit || carros pro vallo obiicio || Q. Fabius Maximus … in agro Falerno ei se obiecit || ea faceret quae mihi obicio ne ab inimico quidem possent verecundo || Caesar timebat tantae magnitudinis flumini exercitum obiicere || Celso et Paulino abnuentibus militem … obicere hosti non omissuro, quo minus … adgrederetur
ōbĭicio tr. v. III conjug. end. -io

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