intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to go away, to stray, to differ
2 to divert, to lose one's way
3 to go wrong, to mistake
intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to go away, to stray, to differ
2 to divert, to lose one's way
3 to go wrong, to mistake
Locutions, idioms and examples
ab aliqua re aberro = to distance oneself from something || a miseria aberro = to distract oneself from affliction || aberro a proposito = to depart from the topic || ad alia aberro = to transfer to another thought || aberro per agros = to get lost in the fields || aberro a praescriptione = to depart from a precept || ab eo quodcumque sibi proposuerit aberro = to depart from the prearranged goals || aberro verbo, coniecturā || a proposito declino (or egredior or aberro) = to depart from one owns purpose; to be off topic || artificem ne in melius quidem sinas aberrare
ăberro intr. v. I conjug.
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