transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to remove, to drive away, to send away
2 to repudiate one's wife
3 to steal cattle
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to remove, to drive away, to send away
2 to repudiate one's wife
3 to steal cattle
Locutions, idioms and examples
abigo aliquem ab or ex aedibus = to throw someone out of the house || abigo curas = to banish worries || abigo morsus = to heal the bites || abigo pecus = to steal the cattle || abigo mihi partum = to induce the delivery (= to abort) || abige abs te lassitudinem = shake off your tireness || abige muscas = drive away the flies || abigo pauperiem = to remove poverty || abigo uxorem = to repudiate one's wife || abigam hunc rus = I will send him to the countryside || abigo greges aestivatum = to push the flock to spend the summer (=towards to summer pastures) || abortum aliquem eicio or abigo partum = to abort
ăbĭgo tr. v. III conjug.

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