transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to wash away, to cleanse, to purify
2 (figuratively) to erase, to delete
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to wash away, to cleanse, to purify
2 (figuratively) to erase, to delete
Locutions, idioms and examples
abluo caedem = he withdraws into deep sleep and looks for oblivion || abluo lacrimas = to dry one's tears || abluo maculas = to erase stains || abluo pedes = to wash the feet || abluo scelus = to erase a crime || abluo maculas a veste = to remove a stain from the garment || animi perturbationem abluo || abluebat corpus fessum = he, she washed the tired body || vorticibus caput abluet || maculam veteris industriae abluerat || ablue corpus inluvie aeternisque sordibus squalidum = wash the (your) body always covered with filth and dirt || qua fluitantibus undis Solis anhelantes abluit amnis equos || brachia et crura cotidie abluebant, quae … sordes opere collegerant, toti nundinis lavabantur
ablŭo tr. v. III conjug.

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