adjective present participle II class
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present participe of [abnueo]
adjective present participle II class
View the declension of this word
present participe of [abnueo]
Locutions, idioms and examples
abnuentibus consulibus ea de re relatum (esse) = since the consuls objected that the matter was not in the order of business || abnuens deprecationem pro illis non convenire fortunae in qua esset = affirming that a (his) plea in their favor did not suit his present condition || abnuenti nomen Augusti expressere ut adsumeret = he refused the title of Augustus, but they forced him to take it || Celso et Paulino abnuentibus militem … obicere hosti non omissuro, quo minus … adgrederetur
abnŭens adj. pres. part. II cl.

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