This word is an invariable part of speech
1 without, apart from, away from
2 but for
3 except for
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 without, apart from, away from
2 but for
3 except for
Locutions, idioms and examples
absque me esset = it arrived without me || absque te = without you (= had it not been for you) || absque te esset (or foret) = if it were't for you || absque cum = except for when || absque profanis = far from the laymen || absque praeiudicio = without prejudice || absque meo praesidio = without my help || absque sententia = without intention || absque paucis syllabis = save for a few sillables || absque te esset, hodie non viverem = had it not been for you, I would not be alive today || absque me foret et meo praesidio, hic faceret te prostibilem = without me and my help he would have, made you a prostitute || apsque ted esset hodie numquam ad solem occasum viverem
absquĕ prep.

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