transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to drag away, to remove forcibly
2 to divert, toremove
3 to detach, to split
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to drag away, to remove forcibly
2 to divert, toremove
3 to detach, to split
Locutions, idioms and examples
abstraho aliquem (+ ab, ex, de + ablative) = to pull away someone or from something || abstraho aliquem ab aliquo = to remove somebody from someone || a sollicitudine abstraho = to take away, to deliver from anxiety || abstraho naves a portu = to remove the ships from the harbour || abstraho ex oculis hominum = to remove from the sight of men || abstrahit (me) sermonis egestas = the poorness of the language stops me || abstrahunt a recto divitiae = riches remove (us) from the straight and narrow path || abstraho a servitio civitatem = to free the city from serfdom || commeatu aliquem abstraho or intercludo || animus se a corpore abstrahit || abstraho milites a duce = to remove the soldiers from their commander || a bono in pravum aliquem abstrahere = drag someone from the right path to the croocked one || a rebus gerendis abstraho = to deter from politics || abstraho me ab omni sollicitudine = to remove oneself from all worries || ab incepto consilio abstraho = to divert from a project already begun || ad bellicas laudes abstraho = to lead to war exploits || e sinu gremioque patriae abstraho || abstraho aliquem a comitatu virorum clarissimorum = to remove someone from the company of more illustrious men || abstraho e sine gremioque patriae = to remove from the bosom, the womb of the homeland || a rebus gerendis senectus abstrahit = old age deters from politics || abstraho ad defendendam Romam ab oppugnanda Capua duces = to pull away the commanders from the siege of Capua to make the go and defend Rome || aliquem de matris amplexu or complexu or sinu abstraho or avello
abstrăho tr. v. III conjug.

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