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adjective perfect participle I class
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perfect participle of [accendo]
adjective perfect participle I class
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perfect participle of [accendo]
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad dominationem accensi = they burn to dominate || accensae arae = altar upon which the fire is lighted || accensus in poenam = to persevere in punishing || amore laudis accensi || aspectu accensa cruento || atrox pugna utrimque accensa est || annua accenso celebrare Parilia faeno || accensae non fortiter imperat irae = he barely controls the outburst of anger || accenso gliscit violentia Turno = in fuming Turnus violence was increasing || accenso rapuit quae tura sepulcro = incense that takes away from the lighted pyre || accensi ira concitant se in hostem = with an outburst of anger they hurl themselves against the enemy || accensis incanduit ignibus ara = the altar was lighted with burning flames || accensis indicibus ad prodendum Faenium Rufum = the accusers being eager to turn over Faenius Rufus || accensa ea cupiditas est malignitate patrum = this covetousness (of the people) was enkindled by the stinginess of the patricians || accensis studiis pro Scipione et adversus Scipionem = hearts burning for and against Scipio || athleta mutus indignatione accensus vocalis evasit
accensus adj. perf. part. I cl.

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