Your search returned the following results:
neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 vinegar, sour wine
2 tang of vinegar
3 sourness of disposition
4 sharpness of wit
neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 vinegar, sour wine
2 tang of vinegar
3 sourness of disposition
4 sharpness of wit
Locutions, idioms and examples
aceto infundo = to sprinkle vinegar || aceti acris = with sour vinegar || acetum acre = sour vinegar || acetum asperrimum = very sour vinegar || acetum dulcoratum = sweet vinegar || acetum mulsum = honey vinegar || acerbum acetum = sour vinegar || bacam aceto diluo || acetum accenditur pipere = pepper makes vinegar stringer || aceti nequitiae inest virtus = quality is held in the modesty of vinegar || ardentia saxa infuso aceto putrefaciunt || aceti asperitas visque in tabem margaritas resolvit = the corrosive force of vinegar dissolves pearls riducing them to mush || aceto … liquatos magnae summae uniones potionibus aspergere = (he usually) mixed pearls of great value dissolved in vinegar in drinks
ăcētum nt. noun II decl.

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