feminine noun V declension
View the declension of this word
1 sharpness, sharp edge, point
2 battle line, array
3 sight, glance
4 pupil of eye
feminine noun V declension
View the declension of this word
1 sharpness, sharp edge, point
2 battle line, array
3 sight, glance
4 pupil of eye
Locutions, idioms and examples
commissae acies || acies gladii = the tip of the sword || acies oculorum = sight || aeratae acies || addensent acies || bellum per aciem || aequo aciem || acies transversa = flank of an army || acies securis = the edge of the hatchet || acies peditum = infantry || acies mentis = sharpness of mind || acies humana = the keenness of the human sight || acies nutans = army that weavers (= about to surrender) || acies exercitus = the front of the army || acies distinctior = the most varied army || acies consero = to engage the fight || aciem simplicem = the army deployed in one line || aciem porrigo = to widen the deployment || aciem pando = to deploy the army || aciem dilato = to extend the frontline of the battle || aciem concito = to launch the troops forward || aciem ingenii tui = the perspicacity of your intelligence || acies fluctuans = wavering formation || acie excedo = to leave the batttle field || aciem distraho = to break the line of battle || aciem distendo = to extend the frontline of the battle || aciem derigo or dirigo = to deploy the army (in a certain direction) || aciem ad aliquem dirigo = to turn the eyes towards someone || acies dextra = the right flank || aciem implico = to throw the ranks in disarray || acies inclinatur = the army falls back || aciem sustento = to keep the deployment in order || acies insequitur = adzvances right after the army in battle order || aciem intendo = to turn the attention, the gaze || aciem converto = to change the battle deployment || acies constat = the army is (or fights) in battle order || acies intentionis = the continuous attention || aciem constituo = to set the army in battle deployment || aciem commovent = they set themselves in motion || cado in acie || cohortes in acie constitutas habeo || acies Pharsalica = the battle of Pharsalus || aciem protendo = to look further || commissas acies solvo || colores qui compungunt aciem || aciem sisto = to deploy the amy || acies spissantur = the formations gather together || acies ferri praestringitur = the sharp edge of an iron object gets blunt || aciem ostendo = to deploy the army || aciem restituo = reorganize the army deployment || cognatae acies || acie suggredior = to advance in battle formation || Vulcania acies || acie suggressus = advancing in battle formation || circumagit aciem || acies ungulum = the tip of nails || acies Vulcania = Vulcan's army (= the flames, the fire) || labans acies || acie consumptus = killed in battle || commoveo aciem || acie refugio = to escape from the battle field || acie perrupta = having broken the deployment || acie instructa = after having lined up the troops || acie hebetiore sum = to have poor eyesight || acie densa = in closed ranks || abducamus ex acie = let's take him away from the fight || commota pedestri acie || acie aperta = in the open || prima acies || aciem perequito = to cover on horseback the ranks of the army || acrem aciem = careful look || aciem perturbo = to throw the ranks of the enemy into disarray || aciem hostium interrupit = he came to disrupt the continuity of the enemy deployment || acies mentis hebescit = the sharpness of mind gets dulled || cohortes duplici acie eduxit || cohortes circumibant et ab acie excludebant || aciem in fugam converto = to put the troops to flight || acies non parca fugae = the formation in a headlong flight, in full retreat || aciem instructam habeo = to keep the army in battle deployment || armatos or aciem struo || aciem auditum obtundo = to dull the hearing || aciem oculorum praestringo = to dim, to blind || aciem oculorum offendo = to hurt, hurt the eye || volito tota acie || aciem oculorum non fero = not to tolerate the sight, not to sustain the gaze || aër per nostras acies perlabitur || aciem oculorum fero = to tolerate the sight, to sustain the gaze || aciem securium tuarum = the blows of his hatchets || aciem oculorum obtundo = to dim the sight || aciem peritissime instruxit = he set the deployment in the most cautious way || aciem arte statuo = to deploy the troops in closed ranks || aciem nostram repercutiunt = to blind our sight || acies manipulatim structa est = the army was deployed by maniples || acies iunxerat in seriem = he combined the troops in line || acies ipsa qua cernimus = the part of the eye with which we see (= the pupil) || aciem hastati invadunt = those armed with lances hurled themselves against the deployment || aciem traho (or excito) = to sharpen the eye || aciem exorno (or explico) = to deploy the army in battle order || aciem intentionis abrumpo = to tire the effort of attention || acie signa dico = to unveil the insigna on the battle field || aciem (or castra) dilato = to widen the deployment or the field || aciem peditum turbo = to sow confusion in the infantry lines || cado in acie or in proelio || amplector hostium aciem || acies animi (or ingenii) = acumen, brilliance of mind, of intelligence || ad secandum subtilis acies || antequam miscerentur acies || bonum incolumis acies || aciem (in collem) erigo = to make the army climb a hill || acies in fugam conversa = fleeing army || animi acies obtusior || acies diducta in cornua = the army deployed on the flanks || aciem distrahi paterentur = they allowed the formation to be broken || acie mentis dispicio = to see clearly with the mind's eyes || aciem derigit simplicem = he made the deployment along one line || acies per cuneos componitur = the formation is arranged in wedges || acie nunc expugnationibus = now in pitched battles, now with victorious assaults || aciem in planum deducit = to make the army descend to the plain || aciem derigi iubet = he orders to execute the deployment || aciem elephantis vallo = to surrround in defence with || eadem acie mentis qua rerum omnium vim naturamque viderat || praestringo aciem animorum nostrorum, ingenii tui = to blunt the insight of our minds of your intelligence || aciem quam speciosissime potuit struxit = with the most pomp possible || acie regione instructa non apertissuma (= apertissima) = having deployed the army, within the limits of a place not completely exposed || ad castra hostium aciem erexit = he made the formation climb towards the enemy camp || ad eam rem habeo omnem aciem = I pay undivided attention to that end || antequam inter se acies arietarent || adeo aciem versabilem posuit ut || acies Vulcania extenditur per campos = Vulcan's army (= the fire) spreads out in the plain || castris Scipionis aciem suam subiecit || Catulum abducamus ex acie id est ab iudiciis || circumire aciem Curionis coepit || clamore renovato commovent aciem || ubi fluctuantem aciem vidit || auxiliis in mediam aciem collectis || ad instructam per litus aciem suorum perfugere (= perfugerunt) = they found safety in the their lines, in battle order, along the shore || aciem hostium protero (or profligo) = to rout the army of the enemy || aciem or copias instruo or struo || aciem iniquo loco constituunt = they arrange the deployment in a disadvantageous position || acies ipsa, quae pupula vocatur = the organ of sight that we call pupil || acies inclinatae iam et labantes = formations by now about to surrender and retreat || acies inclinatas et labantes restituo = to regroup formations that already fell back and were about to disband || aciem latius porrigo or extendo = to give more expansion to the front || acies ante id tempus invisitata = a never seen before deployment || aciem partes dimittit in omnes = he turns his gaze here and there || acies densa armis virisque = formation thick with armed warriors || ab tergo atque alis circumventa acies = the array surrounded at the back and flanks || aciem in omnes partes intendo = to take a look all around || Caesar iussit aciem opus perficere || ubi Galli cum acie legionum concurrissent || acies iunxerat nexis umbonibus arma = the army had joined the weapons linking the shields || ubi ductores acie revocaveris ambo || ubi constitere (= constiterunt) inter duas acies || rapit acer totam aciem in Teucros || acies ita cohaerebant, ut armis arma pulsarent = the formations were so near that the weapons were hitting each other || acrem in omnes partes aciem intendo = to cast piercing looks everywhere || aciem instruo (or instituo, or constituo, or compono) = to set the army in battle deployment || Cannarum pugna or Cannense proelium or Cannensis acies || ad medias acies aliquanto serius pervenit pugna = somewhat later the scuffle extended to the center lines || e iugo montis aciem … demittere agitabat || ab omni levitate acies radios suos replicat = from every smooth surface visual strenght reflects its rays || acie triplici instructa ad eum locum venit = he arrived at that place with the army deployed in three lines || aciem a latere aperto circumire coeperunt = they started to surround the deployment from the open flank || candore tunicarum fulgentem aciem … cruentari || acie decerno (or pugno, or confligo, or dimico) = to fight in the open || acies Pompeiana a sinistra parte (erat) circumita = the array of Pompeius (was) surrounded from the left flank || aetati suae se veniam petere ne in prima acie esset || ad philosophos me revocas, qui in aciem non saepe prodeunt || Cadmus fraternas acies dimisit ad nepotes || aciem quo hostium itineri officeret latius porrigit = with the purpose of cutting the road for the enemy, spreads the deployment on a wider front || avus Pharsalica acie pro optumatibus ceciderat || arripuit duos pugiones et explorata utriusque acie … || Bocchus cum peditibus … postremam Romanorum aciem invadunt || armatus miles quantum in aciem exituro satis est || an tanta sit eius (= animi) tenuitas ut fugiat aciem? || agentibus divina humanaque, quae adsolent cum acie dimicandum est, consulibus || Gallica acies nullum spatium respirandi recipiendique se dedit || adversus incitatas turmas stetit immota Samnitium acies || adparatum omnem oppugnandae urbis in primam aciem afferre || ab lateribus montes ac lacus, a fronte et ab tergo hostium acies claudebat = on the side of the mountains and the lake, in front of and behind the armies of the enemy were barriers || a fronte introrsus in duos et triginta ordines armatorum acies patebat = from the front the array streched to thirty two armed rows in depth || apud Romanos tantum vulnerum fuit ut plures post proelium saucii decesserint quam ceciderant in acie || commoveo hostem hostium aciem
ăcĭēs fem. noun V decl.

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