Locutions, idioms and examples
acrius amo = to love passionately || acrius flens = crying more bitterly || acrius insto = to follow with more tenacity || acrius illa subit = that insinuates itself in a more piercing way || acrius video = to have a keener sight || caelo acrius animantur || acrius quam cautius dimicare = to fight more bitterly than cautiously || acrius dilectum habeo = to lever with more strictness || acrius adgreditur modestiam eius = he deals a more bitter assault to his modesty || acrius vitia video = to see more vices accurately || cavit nihil acrius || acrius de integro coortum est bellum = the struggle flared up again more violent || acrius ultimis incidebat Romanus = the roman army was attacking the rearguard more harshly || acrius tendenti Sentio concessit = he yielded to Sentius who was insisting with more tenacity || iam intelleges multo me vigilare acrius ad salutem quam te ad perniciem rei publicae || acutius atque acrius vitia in dicente quam recta videre = to see with more acumen and perspicacity the defects rather than the merits in the orator
ācrĭus adv.

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