masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 sting, spine, thorn, prickle, point, spike
2 barb
3 pang, prick
4 sarcasm
masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 sting, spine, thorn, prickle, point, spike
2 barb
3 pang, prick
4 sarcasm
Locutions, idioms and examples
aculeo emisso = after leaving its sting (in the wound) || aculeum emittere = to exhaust one's own wickedness || aculeus sagittae = the tip of the arrow || apis aculeus || aculei in Caesarem = cutting remarks against Caesar || carduorum aculei || aculeus fistulosus = tubular sting (of insects) || aculei iudicii mei = my stinging critical sense || aculei orationis = sting of the word (= hurting words) || aculeos in animis relinquo = to leave the sting in the minds (of the interlocutors) || aculeis urticae compungor = to be stung by nettle || araneus aculeo noxius || aculeos orationis meae, qui reconditi sunt = the stings of my speech, that have been sheathed || ad animos stimulandos aliquem aculeum habent = (these words) have bite to exite the minds || aculeos severitatis erigo in vitia, in mores = to point the arrows of uprightness against vices, customs || apis aculeum sine clamore ferre non possumus
ăcŭlĕus masc. noun II decl.

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