transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to tie up, to tie down, to tie back, to tie on, to tie together, to tightly
2 to bind, to grasp, to tighten, to fix
3 to form boundary
4 to oblige, to commit
5 to compress, to narrow, to restrict
6 (brows) to knit
7 to freeze, to solidify
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to tie up, to tie down, to tie back, to tie on, to tie together, to tightly
2 to bind, to grasp, to tighten, to fix
3 to form boundary
4 to oblige, to commit
5 to compress, to narrow, to restrict
6 (brows) to knit
7 to freeze, to solidify
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad statuam aliquem adstringo || adstringo legibus || adstringo frontem || aliquem astringo fortiter || adfinitatem adstringo || astringo aliquem legibus || an frontem adstringant || adstringor or me adstringo (ad + accusative) || adstringo fidem || breviter adstringo argumenta || adstrinxere pedes scopulis || astringit vincula motu || calor venas adstringit hiantis || adstringo (orationem, verba) numeris || alvum astringo or cohibeo or sisto || adstringo imbrem corpus molle || adstringo venas (terrae) hiantes || adstringo totam Galliam sempiternis vinculis || ad hoc me natura grave corporis mei pondus adstrinxit = nature keeps me bound to this heavy burden of my body || balteus … fluxos gemmis astrinxit amictus || iam nunc adstringas iam nunc granaria laxes
adstringo tr. v. III conjug.

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