intransitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to come to, to arrive
2 to arrive at, to reach, to be brought
3 to develop, to set in, to arise
intransitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to come to, to arrive
2 to arrive at, to reach, to be brought
3 to develop, to set in, to arise
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad aliquem advenio = to brighten up towards someone || vos tectis advenisse meis || Athenis advenio || a Roma advenio = to come from Rome || a foro advenio = to arrrive from the forum || ad Ambraciam advenio = to arrive to Ambracia || ad forum advenio = to arrive at the forum || alicui suppetias advenio || advenio (in) domum || bene factum te advenisse || ubi dies advenit || Athenis Ephesum adveni || Athenis Megaram advenio || a quibus praemonitus Carisius cum exercitu advenit = and forewarned by them, Carisius arrived with the army || a portu huc advenio = to arrive here from the harbour || advenis modo? admodum || a viro ad me rus advenit nuntius = someone sent by my husband arrived in the countryside || animum advorte ut quod ego ad te advenio intellegas || advenit qui vestra dies verba redargueret || advenio ut te postremo donarem munere mortis || o audaciam! etiam me ultro accusatum advenit? || advenit proficiscendi hora exspectatione tristior || a portu illic nunc cum lanterna advenit = that guy arrives now from the harbour with the lantern || advenere litterae fusas Vitelli copias || advenio has miseras frater ad inferias || adveniat vultus neve exhorrescat amicos || clades calamitasque, intemperies in nostram advenit domum || ad eius triremem vulgus confluxit proinde ac si solus advenisset = the people flocked to his trireme
advĕnĭo intr. v. IV conjug.

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