intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to take a position, to stand (near or by), to attend
2 to appear before
3 to set or place near
intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to take a position, to stand (near or by), to attend
2 to appear before
3 to set or place near
Locutions, idioms and examples
alicui adsisto || ad fores adsisterent = that they may place themselves in front of the wings (of a door) || tabernaculis adsisto || adsisto tabernaculis || adsisto foribus || adsistebam Vareno || adsisto alicui loco || adsisto divinis || adsisto equos || adsisto lecto || adsisto ad epulas regis || ad foris (=fores) adsistere imperat = he orders that they take their place in front of the doors || accede, nate, adsiste = approach, oh son, help me || ad Achillis tumulum adsisto = to stop by Achilles' tomb || adsisto consulum tribunalibus || adsisto contra hostes in ponte || adsisto in publico in conspectu patris || iacio talum, ut rectus adsistat
assisto intr. v. III conjug.

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