transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (transitive) to retain, maintain, preserve
2 (transitive) to entertain, amuse
3 (intransitive) to terminate, extend
4 (intransitive) to concern, regard
5 (transitive) to be important
transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (transitive) to retain, maintain, preserve
2 (transitive) to entertain, amuse
3 (intransitive) to terminate, extend
4 (intransitive) to concern, regard
5 (transitive) to be important
Locutions, idioms and examples
attineo aliquem || attineo aliquid || quid ad me attinet || aliquem carcere attineo || attineo custodiā || aliquem spe pacis adtineo || ad Tanaim recta plaga attinent || cetera quae ad colendam vitem attinebunt
attĭnĕo tr. and intr. v. II conjug.

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