Your search returned the following results:
adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 sacred, venerable
2 majestic, august, solemn
3 dignified
4 ecclesiastical worthy of honour
adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 sacred, venerable
2 majestic, august, solemn
3 dignified
4 ecclesiastical worthy of honour
Locutions, idioms and examples
Augustis Idibus || augusta gravitas || augustissimam domum Iovis || augusta illa mysteria || augusta ad moenia regis || augustae reserabo oracula mentis || ad augusta per angusta = towards the pinnacle going through narrowness (= glory is not easy to achieve) || Kalendae, Nonae , Idus Augustae || a milibus passuum quinque itinera difficilia atque augusta excipiebant = five miles from there arduos and narrow streets followed immediately
augustus adj. I cl.

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