Your search returned the following results:
masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 axle, chariot
2 axis, pole, sky, clime
3 axle, axis, pole
4 the sky, heaven
5 north pole
6 region, clime
masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 axle, chariot
2 axis, pole, sky, clime
3 axle, axis, pole
4 the sky, heaven
5 north pole
6 region, clime
Locutions, idioms and examples
in asse || astriferi axes || axis boreus || axis Lycaonius || axis rotarum || axis septentrionis || volucri currit axe || axe sub Hesperio || Atlas axem humero torquet || heres ex asse || qua mundi claudicat axis || qua rota circumvertitur axem || axis divisor et disterminator mundi || ab axibus rotarum deligabantur falces = sickles were attached to the axles of the wheels || axis inustus solis equis || Aurora iam medium traiecerat axem
axis masc. noun III decl.

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