This word is an invariable part of speech
1 conveniently, neatly, tidily
2 aptly, well
3 suitably, properly, fittingly
4 tastefully
5 agreeably, helpfully
6 comfortably, pleasantly
7 at a good time or right moment
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 conveniently, neatly, tidily
2 aptly, well
3 suitably, properly, fittingly
4 tastefully
5 agreeably, helpfully
6 comfortably, pleasantly
7 at a good time or right moment
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquid facete et commode dico || accipior bene et commode = to find a good reception || aliquid responde huic amabo commode || a te … parum commode … dicta esse dicebat = he said you gave (those) statements with scant opportunities
commŏdē adv.

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