transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [commoveo]
2 to shake, to stir up, to agitate
3 to displace, to disturb, to trouble, to worry, to upset
4 to jolt
5 to excite
6 to waken
7 to provoke
8 (money or camp) to move
9 to produce
10 (war) to cause, start
11 (point) to raise
transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [commoveo]
2 to shake, to stir up, to agitate
3 to displace, to disturb, to trouble, to worry, to upset
4 to jolt
5 to excite
6 to waken
7 to provoke
8 (money or camp) to move
9 to produce
10 (war) to cause, start
11 (point) to raise
Locutions, idioms and examples
commoveor animo || commoveor capite || commoveor mente || commoveor nervis || commoveri videtur adulescens || aut libidine aliqua aut metu commoveri || alienis iniuriis commoveor || ad eorum animos ad id, quod volumus, commovendos = to direct their hearts where we want || habebat flebile quiddam aptumque cum ad fidem faciendam, tum ad misericordiam commovendam
commŏvĕor tr. v. II conjug.

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