Your search returned the following results:
- compositus (adj. perf. part. I cl.) IN THIS PAGE
- compositus (adj. perf. inf.)
adjective perfect participle I class
View the declension of this word
perfect participle of [compono]
adjective perfect participle I class
View the declension of this word
perfect participle of [compono]
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad maestitiam compositus = assuming a sad appearance || ad Capuam res compositae (sunt) = the matters concerning Capua have been placed in order || beatulus alto compositus lecto || ad causam rei publicae adeo = to tackle the defense of the public affairs || carpere mox gyrum incipiat gradibusque sonare compositis || acrior impetu atque animis quam compositior ordine ullo pugna fuit = the most bitter battle due to impulse and courage than being regulated by tactical layout
compositus adj. perf. part. I cl.

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