transitive verb III conjugation ending -io
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [concipio]
2 to take in, to take up, to receive, to catch
3 to derive, to draw (from)
4 to contain, to hold
5 to grasp
6 to adopt
7 to wed
8 to form, to devise
9 to understand, to imagine
10 to conceive, to be mother of
11 (oath or prayer) to be utter
transitive verb III conjugation ending -io
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [concipio]
2 to take in, to take up, to receive, to catch
3 to derive, to draw (from)
4 to contain, to hold
5 to grasp
6 to adopt
7 to wed
8 to form, to devise
9 to understand, to imagine
10 to conceive, to be mother of
11 (oath or prayer) to be utter
Locutions, idioms and examples
an quisquam tam procul a concipiendis imaginibus rerum abest ut … ?
concĭpĭor tr. v. III conjug. end. -io

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