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transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to stir up, to disturb
2 (missile) to discharge, to hurl
3 to flow rapidly, to flow strong current
4 to rush
5 to rush
6 to urge, to rouse, to agitate
7 to enrage, to inflame
8 to spur, to impel
9 to summon, to assemble
10 to cause
transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to stir up, to disturb
2 (missile) to discharge, to hurl
3 to flow rapidly, to flow strong current
4 to rush
5 to rush
6 to urge, to rouse, to agitate
7 to enrage, to inflame
8 to spur, to impel
9 to summon, to assemble
10 to cause
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad concitandum ignem = to revive the fire || ad maturandum concito = he was pushed to make haste || aciem concito = to launch the troops forward || beluam in fugam concitat || ad philosophiam studio concito || adversos concito equos || divino instinctu concito || animum gloriae stimulis concito || bellum conflo or concito or commoveo || accensi ira concitant se in hostem = with an outburst of anger they hurl themselves against the enemy || ad bellum gerundum (= gerendum) alios concitat populos, suis per speciem societatis proditionem reservat = he instigates other people to wage war, he reserves betrayal for his own feigning alliance
concĭto tr. v. I conjug.

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