transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [coniungo]
2 to connect, to join, to yoke together
3 to marry
4 (words) to connect, to compound with conjunctions
5 (sexually) to unite
6 to place, to bring side-by-side
7 to juxtapose
8 to share
9 to add
10 to associate
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [coniungo]
2 to connect, to join, to yoke together
3 to marry
4 (words) to connect, to compound with conjunctions
5 (sexually) to unite
6 to place, to bring side-by-side
7 to juxtapose
8 to share
9 to add
10 to associate
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquid cum aliqua re coniungitur || alicui coniungor || causam coniungendae necessitudinis || amor princeps est ad benevolentiam coniungendam || commodissimum esse statuit omnes naves subduci et cum castris una munitione coniungi || habeo magnam copiam societatis coniungendae || Ausonios coniungi foedere Teucris haud licitum || habere tum magnam copiam societatis amicitiaeque coniungendae
coniungor tr. v. III conjug.

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