transitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to learn, to discover, to find by investigation
2 to verify, to know for certain
3 to find guilty
transitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to learn, to discover, to find by investigation
2 to verify, to know for certain
3 to find guilty
Locutions, idioms and examples
comperio aliquid de aliquo || comperio aliquid ex multis || aliquid per exploratores comperio || aliquid ex captivis comperio || comperio de aliqua re || aliquid certis auctoribus comperio || comperimus colubrum veneno noxio colla sanguinantem || comperit invidiam supremo fine domari || ab exploratoribus conperit, quanta socordia ac neglegentia apud hostes esset = he was informed by the scouts about how much indolence and carelessness there was among the enemies
conpĕrĭo tr. v. IV conjug.

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