transitive and intransitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to join, to share in sensation, to feeling
2 to be in agreement, to be harmony
3 to be of the same mind
4 to act together
5 to plot, to conspire, to combine
6 to coincide
7 (planets) to be in conjunction
8 to agree, to consent
9 to fit or to be consistent or to be in sympathy, to unison with
10 to favour
11 to assent to
transitive and intransitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to join, to share in sensation, to feeling
2 to be in agreement, to be harmony
3 to be of the same mind
4 to act together
5 to plot, to conspire, to combine
6 to coincide
7 (planets) to be in conjunction
8 to agree, to consent
9 to fit or to be consistent or to be in sympathy, to unison with
10 to favour
11 to assent to
Locutions, idioms and examples
alicui or alicui rei consentio || ad aliquid consentio = to agree on something || comitas hospitum ad quam publice consenserant || de aliqua re consentio || de amiticitiae utilitate omnes uno ore consentiunt || attestata (fulmina) quae prioribus consentiunt || ad conservandam rem publicam voluntate, voce consentiunt = they have but one wish, one voice to defend the State
consentĭo tr. and intr. v. IV conjug.

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