transitive and intransitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to be appropriate to, to fit, to be correctly shaped, to be consistent
2 to harmonize, to agree, to tally
3 to meet, to assemble
4 to go to meet
5 to come together
6 (have sex) to converge
7 to visit, to approach
8 to resort to
9 to sue, to prosecute, to take legal action
10 (passive) to be agreed upon or to arranged
transitive and intransitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to be appropriate to, to fit, to be correctly shaped, to be consistent
2 to harmonize, to agree, to tally
3 to meet, to assemble
4 to go to meet
5 to come together
6 (have sex) to converge
7 to visit, to approach
8 to resort to
9 to sue, to prosecute, to take legal action
10 (passive) to be agreed upon or to arranged
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad aliquem convenio = to go together to someone's place || ad aliquid convenio = to adjust to something || alicui convenio || convenio alicuem || ad clamorem convenerunt = they gathered at the yelling sound || ad auxilium convenio = to come together to help || ad aedes convenio = to assemble near the house || ad nummum convenit || ad signum convenio || ad signa convenio || carptim convenio || bene convenit alicui cum aliquo || cum aliquo convenio || darent convenit … || aliquem in itinere convenio || convenit inter omnes || convenio viro in manum || do aditum conveniundi (=conveniendi) alicui || certum in locum convenio || civitates, quae in id forum conveniunt || pactum est, quod inter aliquos convenit || ubi ad centuriatum convenissent || facio omnibus conveniendi potestatem sui || Carthaginem conveniunt populi LXV || ad Caesarem gratulatum convenerunt = they went to Caesar to congratulate themselves || ad pedem apte convenio || bene convenit inter aliquos de aliqua re || apud populum haec et per populum agi convenit || animum participem leti quoque convenit esse || captivorum oratio cum perfugis convenit || boni quoniam convenimus ambo || Aminandroque dies ad conveniendum Pheras est dictus || aditum petentibus conveniendi non dabat || abnuens deprecationem pro illis non convenire fortunae in qua esset = affirming that a (his) plea in their favor did not suit his present condition || amici privatique hospites ad eum defendendum convenerunt || Atilium sua manu spargentem semen convenerunt || Allobroges ex praecepto Ciceronis ceteros conveniunt || aurem tuam interroga quo quid loco conveniat dicere || ad prosequendum Scipionem officii causa convenio || accepi, munditias mulieribus, laborem viris convenire = I learned that refinement suits women and hardship suits men || bene ratio accepti atque expensi inter nos convenit || ad eum interficiendum socios conquirit, adversarios eius convenit, coniuratione confirmat = he looks for accomplices to kill him, makes arrangements with his adversaries, he binds them with a pact of allegiance || Alexandri modo sanguinem ac stirpem regiae maiestati convenire mirari || iam montani ad stationem solitam solitam conveniebant cum repente conspiciunt hostes
convĕnĭo tr. and intr. v. IV conjug.

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