feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 senate
2 meeting house
3 curia or division of Roman people
4 royal court
feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 senate
2 meeting house
3 curia or division of Roman people
4 royal court
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquem in curiam introduco || claudo aliquem in curia or in curiam || claudam vos in curia || circumsisto curiam || aspiro in curiam || a curia abscedo = to leave th curia || a vestibulo curiae = from the vestibule to the curia || abscedo a curia, e foro = to leave the senate, the forum || accitus … in curiam ad suadenda quae viderentur = summoned by the curia in order to explain what he thought appropriate || citari iubent in curiam patres || a curia autem nulla me res divellet = nothing however will remove me from the senate || raptus in curiam pariterque damnatus interfectusque || ubi nunc est Curia, bibebat equus || ad fores curiae concursum est, ut adire nuntius non posset = we rushed to the door of the curia, so that the messenger could not enter || apertam curiam vidit post Caesaris mortem || campestrem experiri temeritatem quam curiae beneficio uti satius esse duxit || tabulam pictam proelii proposuit in latere curiae Hostiliae || ad illam curiam viribus potius suis quam rei publicae infelicem congregabant = they met near that curia which was fatal to their party's forces rather than to the State
cūrĭa fem. noun I decl.

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