transitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to guard, to protect, to preserve, to watch over, to keep safe
2 to take heed or to care, to observe
3 to restrain
transitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to guard, to protect, to preserve, to watch over, to keep safe
2 to take heed or to care, to observe
3 to restrain
Locutions, idioms and examples
custodiendum est ne … || custodiendum est ut … || aliquid maligne custodio || ad custodiendum aliquem diligentissimus = someone's more attentive guardian || faces ignem adsidua concussione custodiunt || aliquid memoriā teneo or contineo or retineo or custodio || aqua cuius colorem saporemque paleis quibus custodiunt inquinant
custōdĭo tr. v. IV conjug.

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