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intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to fall, to drop, to hang, to flow down, to fall off, to fall over
2 to sink, to drop
3 to fail, to fall in ruin
4 to end up
5 to die
intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to fall, to drop, to hang, to flow down, to fall off, to fall over
2 to sink, to drop
3 to fail, to fall in ruin
4 to end up
5 to die
Locutions, idioms and examples
de or a (ab) spe decido || a spe decido = to be disappointed in hope || caelo decido || aliquem restituo in eum locum ex quo decidit || anguis decidit de tegulis || amicorum perfidia decidi || ab equo in arva decido = to fall down from the horse || ab hoc archetypo labor et decido = from this model I slide down and fall (= I am greatly inferior) || ex astris decido || morbo decido or obeo || paene … decidi, ni adesses || an toto pectore deciderim || a spe societatis Prusiae decidit = he lost hope in an alliance with Prusia || paene in foveam decidi, ni hic adesses || celsae graviore casu decidunt turres || aves quae supervolabant adtonitas decidisse || bini pampini submittuntur, ut sit alter subsidio, si alter forte deciderit || ad eas rei familiaris angustias decidit ut … lege praediatoria venalis pependerit = he fell into such shortage of money that his possessions were places pubblicly on sale in accordance with the mortgage law
dēcĭdo intr. v. III conjug.

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