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transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to drive, to push out, to push off, to push away, to push aside, to repel
2 to expel
3 to remove, to wean
4 to banish utterly
5 to dislodge
6 to avert
7 to rebut
8 to veer away
9 to force to withdraw, to desist
10 to turn out or to dismiss
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to drive, to push out, to push off, to push away, to push aside, to repel
2 to expel
3 to remove, to wean
4 to banish utterly
5 to dislodge
6 to avert
7 to rebut
8 to veer away
9 to force to withdraw, to desist
10 to turn out or to dismiss
Locutions, idioms and examples
ab aliquo aliquid depello = to distance someone from something || aliquem gradu depello || alicui metum depello || ab aliquo (or ab aliqua re) aliquid depello = to remove somebody from someone or something || a peste depello aliquem = prevent someone from causing damage || voluit eum de provincia depellere || aliquid ex memoria evello or depello || Apollinem morbos depellere || ab aris flammam depello = to remove the flames from the altars || a mamma, a matre depello = to wean || aliquem gradu moveo or demoveo or depello || a rei publicae peste aliquem depello = to prevent someone from causing the collapse of the state || a cervicibus hostem depello (or averto) = to repel the enemy that threatens our heads || habent opinionem Apollinem morbos depello || adsidebat in cornu tribunalis, ne praetorem curuli depelleret || Brutus depulit a civibus suis iniustum illud iugum || bilem expello or detraho or depello or extraho or pello || animus intentione sua depellit pressum omnem ponderum
dēpello tr. v. III conjug.
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