transitive and intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to divert, to turn away, to turn aside, to turn in, to turn off
2 to detour, to digress, to branch off
3 to lodge, to put up
transitive and intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to divert, to turn away, to turn aside, to turn in, to turn off
2 to detour, to digress, to branch off
3 to lodge, to put up
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad hospitem deverto = to take up lodgings with a host || ad cauponem deverto = to go down to a shelter (= hotel) || ad villam deverto || de via deverto || ad me Terentiam salutatum deverterat = we stopped by my house to greet Terentia || ab Aegypto in Africam devertit = deviated from Egypt going through Africa || Aegypto devertisse in Africam hostem || ab Ereto devertisse eo Hannibalem tradit = he relates that to go there Hannibal deviated from Eretum || Caelius Romam euntem ab Ereto devertisse eo Hannibalem tradidit
dēverto tr. and intr. v. III conjug.

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