Your search returned the following results:
transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [dico]
2 to say, to declare, to state
3 to allege, to declare positively
4 to assert
5 (case) to plead
6 to talk, to speak
7 to make speech
8 (instrument) to play
9 to pronounce, to articulate
10 to utter
11 to mean
12 to name, to call
13 (date) to appoint, to fix, to set
14 to designate, to declare intention of giving
transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [dico]
2 to say, to declare, to state
3 to allege, to declare positively
4 to assert
5 (case) to plead
6 to talk, to speak
7 to make speech
8 (instrument) to play
9 to pronounce, to articulate
10 to utter
11 to mean
12 to name, to call
13 (date) to appoint, to fix, to set
14 to designate, to declare intention of giving
Locutions, idioms and examples
a collegio pontificum impeditus est, negante unam cellam duobus diis recte dicari = he was prevented by the college of pontiffs, which denied that a single chapel could reasonably be dedicated to two gods
dĭcor tr. v. I conjug.

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