deponent intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (liquids) to run, to flow, to slip away, to spread
2 (clouds) to dissolve or melt away, to disperse
3 to fall apart, to fall to pieces
4 to disintegrate
5 (body) to break down, to collapse, to decay, to perish
6 to flee, to escape
7 to scatter, to fall into confusion
8 to be lost
9 to go to ruin
10 (time) to pass
deponent intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (liquids) to run, to flow, to slip away, to spread
2 (clouds) to dissolve or melt away, to disperse
3 to fall apart, to fall to pieces
4 to disintegrate
5 (body) to break down, to collapse, to decay, to perish
6 to flee, to escape
7 to scatter, to fall into confusion
8 to be lost
9 to go to ruin
10 (time) to pass
Locutions, idioms and examples
ab signis dilabebantur = they abandoned the standards (= they were deserting) || alii alia in civitates suas dilapsi sunt || aedes vetustate dilapsa || aedem Veneris vetustate dilapsam restaurari postulavere (= postulaverunt)
dīlābor dep. intr. v. III conjug.

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