Your search returned the following results:
masculine noun IV declension
View the declension of this word
1 picked men, advisory staff
2 (+ genitive) the pick
3 the elite
4 to levy, to draft, to conscription
5 to enlistment, to recruiting, to mustering
6 to levy, to men enrolled
7 to selection or choosing
8 to choice between possibilities, discrimination and distinction
masculine noun IV declension
View the declension of this word
1 picked men, advisory staff
2 (+ genitive) the pick
3 the elite
4 to levy, to draft, to conscription
5 to enlistment, to recruiting, to mustering
6 to levy, to men enrolled
7 to selection or choosing
8 to choice between possibilities, discrimination and distinction
Locutions, idioms and examples
acerbus delectus = rigorous collection || adiuvo delectum || a quibus cum delectus intentius quam … haberetur = while they were building the bank with greater vigor that … || acriter dilectum habeo = to recruit rigorously || acrius dilectum habeo = to lever with more strictness || e quorum delectu trecentas cohortes conscripserat
dilectus masc. noun IV decl.

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