transitive and intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (intransitive; water) to drain, to flow out
2 (intransitive) to fall, escape, avoid
3 (intransitive; figuratively) to escape from the mouth
4 (intransitive) to fall, fall off
5 (intransitive; figuratively) to faint
6 (intransitive; rivers) to flow, lead
7 (intransitive; figuratively) to get lost, disappear, run out
8 (intransitive) to be forgotten, out of memory
9 (intransitive) to leak, be disclosed, become public
10 (transitive) to flood, pour
11 (transitive) to spill
transitive and intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 (intransitive; water) to drain, to flow out
2 (intransitive) to fall, escape, avoid
3 (intransitive; figuratively) to escape from the mouth
4 (intransitive) to fall, fall off
5 (intransitive; figuratively) to faint
6 (intransitive; rivers) to flow, lead
7 (intransitive; figuratively) to get lost, disappear, run out
8 (intransitive) to be forgotten, out of memory
9 (intransitive) to leak, be disclosed, become public
10 (transitive) to flood, pour
11 (transitive) to spill
Locutions, idioms and examples
alicui mens effluit || effluit tempus || antequam ex animo tuo effluo || anima effluet in lacrimas || antequam plane ex animo tuo effluo || amphoras gypsatas ne effluant vinum || bona praeterita non effluunt sapienti || Bacche, effluas dulcem liquorem
efflŭo tr. and intr. v. III conjug.

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