transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [effundo]
2 to pour out, to pour away, to pour off
3 to allow to drain
4 to shower
5 (missiles) to volley
6 to send, to stream forth
7 (blood and tears) to shed
8 (vomit and urine) to discharge, debouch, emit
9 to flow out, to overflow
10 to break out
11 to bear, to yield, to bring forth
12 to expend, to use up
13 to unseat, to eject, to drop, to discard
14 to stretch, to spread out, to extend
15 (sail) to spread
16 to loosen, to slacken, to fling, to give rein
transitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [effundo]
2 to pour out, to pour away, to pour off
3 to allow to drain
4 to shower
5 (missiles) to volley
6 to send, to stream forth
7 (blood and tears) to shed
8 (vomit and urine) to discharge, debouch, emit
9 to flow out, to overflow
10 to break out
11 to bear, to yield, to bring forth
12 to expend, to use up
13 to unseat, to eject, to drop, to discard
14 to stretch, to spread out, to extend
15 (sail) to spread
16 to loosen, to slacken, to fling, to give rein
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad lacrimas effundi = to cry profusely || vox effunditur || vox in coronam turbamque effunditur
effundor tr. v. III conjug.

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