plural feminine noun IV declension
View the declension of this word
1 one of the three days in each month from which the other days were reckoned in the Roman calendar, the Ides
2 it fell upon the fifteenth day of March, May, July, and October, upon the thirteenth day in the remaining months
plural feminine noun IV declension
View the declension of this word
1 one of the three days in each month from which the other days were reckoned in the Roman calendar, the Ides
2 it fell upon the fifteenth day of March, May, July, and October, upon the thirteenth day in the remaining months
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad idus = to the ides || Augustis Idibus || ab Idibus Februariis = from the ides of February (= from February 13) || Idus octobres || Kalendae, Nonae, Idus Martiae || Kalendae, Nonae, Idus Septembres || Kalendae, Nonae , Idus Augustae || Kalendae, Nonae, Idus Apriles || Kalendae, Nonae, Idus Maiae || ante diem quintum Idus Quinctiles or die quinto ante Idus Quinctiles || aedes Mercurii dedicata est idibus Maiis || ab Idibus Maiis usque ad finem Octobris mensis = from the ides of May until the month of October
Eidus pl. fem. noun IV decl.

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